And so it begins...

To blog or not to blog? Oh heck why not...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Here comes the Holidays....ready or not!

So we are just waiting for the Holidays to begin here.  I love Christmastime!  It is truly my favorite time of year.  Which is saying a lot for me because I hate COLD and WINTER, I am a SUMMER girl.  But Christmas is special.  I lost my mom in December 2007.  She was a very young 61.  But she got sick and she fought to the very end trying EVERYTHING she could to spend more time with us, the people she really truly loved, but it just wasn't in the cards for us and we lost someone very special to us.  I'd like to say I don't cry over losing my mom anymore that I understand that when your time is up there is nothing that can be done and life for the living goes on but truthfully I still cry and just wish she was here where she belongs.  The reason why I bring up my mom because she is the reason I love Christmas! She loved Christmas! And let me tell you it wasn't in a crazy decorating, food cooking kind of way.  She was a busy woman.  Very rarely did she even decorate before Christmas Eve and when my brother and I moved out to start our own families she sometimes only found time to put out her ceramic table top tree.  But that didn't stop her from loving Christmas.  My Grandma is the BIG decorator in the family when it comes to Holidays (seriously even now at 84 when she does so much less then she used to she does 100% more then me!),  and every time my mom walked in her house even during the day she'd flip the switch to turn the lights on on the tree.  My mom used to complain that she didn't know what gifts to get anyone and would shop until the last day possible.  She was SO generous and just wanted to get people something they'd really love.  She is where I get my generous nature from I just want to give people something they will love and will make them smile! It's going to be a tough Christmas this year.  Times are very tight here so hopefully I can be "creative" and still make people smile.  Anyway what Was I writing about?  Oh yes the Holidays...We start with Thanksgiving....spending the day with family and eating delicious food...who can beat THAT?  The week before Thanksgiving I have my twin niece and nephew's 5th Birthday.  Ice Cream Cake & Pizza! Mmmmm.   Then the big shopping season begins....I as rule don't normally do Black Friday Shopping.  It is TOO crazy for me but this year I am considering it.... we'll see if I can wake up that early!  Then before you know it the BIG day is here and gone then there's New Year's and then I am counting the days until  But I will enjoy the special time with family and friends and I hope you will too.

Ok so anyway that was just me rambling, this is me talking about crafting.  I have been crocheting away at my owl hats! I made 5 my daughters plus 4 others.  They are all a little different! Each was a different color and had different add-ons by the ear and some had open eyes some had closed eyes, some had "hairs" on the tips of the ears some didn't but they were all SO cute!  I also have been making cards, working on a scarpbook layout (it takes me forever to finish one!), made some head pieces for my daughter to go to a 1920's themed Sweet 16 party.  I will add pictures in my next post which will be before December I swear! 

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