And so it begins...
To blog or not to blog? Oh heck why not...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What a week!
It is a beautiful Saturday in September. Just cool enough to where a sleeve but not so cool that you need a jacket. Last Saturday it was also a beautiful day that is until the car accident! I mean nothing like turning a gorgeous warm Saturday to crap with an accident and a trip to the emergency room! And can I tell you the emergency room soon as we came in the ambulance entrance.....smelled like a toilet! GROSS! I mean shouldn't those places smell better then THAT? I do have to say the people were really nice albeit a bit slow moving. But I won't judge since they could have been helping people worse off then us. Our EMTs were awesome! Nice guys and got the job done. I just thank the Lord my daughter wasn't in the car with us. She is just learning to drive and that might have scared her a little. The accident by the way was totally not our fault! Some older man was not paying attention and rear ended a car making a left turn sending him into our lane! And my husband with his super quick reflexes got as far over and out of the way possible before the car spun into us. We are both okay for the most part. Just aches and pains. Mine went away in a few days and well my husband's are lingering a little. So after that end of last week/beginning of this week my husband's truck breaks down on the way to work on Thursday! Did I mention that last Saturday we were headed to look at a used truck for him before we were "side tracked"??? Yep one crappy thing after another it seems lately. But lets look at the good things so far for September... My daughter started her junior year of High School. Oh wait is this good? That means I am getting also mean I was a junior 30 YEARS ago!!! doesn't seem like My niece and nephew started kindergarten! They are so cute! And they seem to be doing good so far. My nephew is a little bored but I am hoping this will pass. They are so cute they got math "homework" and wanted to keep going in there workbooks. I did mention to my SIL not to expect that to happen as they get Well I guess I'll go do something productive with my Saturday...yep you guessed it we are going truck shopping *cringe*! Wish me luck hopefully we actually make it to a dealer today!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
UGH!!! :oP
Ok... I didn't want the entire month of July to go by without even doing ONE blog! But that is exactly what happened. UGH!!! I have been a horrible blogger lately. Barely reading the blogs I follow. Not posting anything. I could blame it on summer. But I haven't been doing all that much summer "stuff". I mean the occasional trip to the beach or water park...sure. But that pretty much sums up my summer. ONE trip to Great Adventure or as the youngsters call it Six Flags. Working eh...sometimes. Crafting??? Not much at all ...except for some ankle bracelets for the girls and a bracelet and necklace or two. No pictures .... oh I may have one on my phone...of the necklace. I am just BLAH ....which I hate because I love summer! Like now I should be gearing up for the concert I am going to on August 13th....Kenny Chesney's Goin' Coastal Tour featuring Zac Brown Band!!! It is going to be a great concert! Kenny Chesney does a great concert. I went to the one in 2009 it couldn't have been better! See don't I sound excited? But I'm just not feeling the excitement yet. Not for anything. The STRESS of the "real" world is getting to me. I need to meditate or something!!!! But that would take motivation....and I just got nothin... I am hoping to catch up soon....but now that my laptop is broken it will probably be later then sooner......who knows with me I am so RANDOM. :o) bbs
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Celebrating a Birthday.
My daughter turned 16 on Thursday. I can't believe the beautiful little girl I gave birth to is now 16! It went by WAY too quickly!!! I want her to be turning 5 again and just starting school! I want her to be 8 and learning how to ride a two-wheeler. I want her to be 10 and starting to like boys a little more then her mom would care for! I want her to be 12 even and just starting Middle School and starting to feel a little bigger or 13 and JUST becoming a teenager! I do NOT want her to be 16 and learning how to drive on the road with all the crazy drivers here in NJ. I mean how is she going to react when the idiot who stayed up all night is starting to go over the line a little as she driving down the parkway? Is she going to be responsible enough to tell her friends NO she can't look at whatever they are showing her until they pull over???? Will she REALLY stop when the light is yellow if she is a little late for school? When someone needs a ride and she ALREADY has one person in the car is she going to let another in because she feels bad the other is stranded? OR is she going to obey the law that says only one other person in the car unless they live with you? All these things and 100s more go through my head as I drive down the road every day thinking of my "little girl" on these busy NJ roads everyday. And this is before she even passes her written test(she is not doing too well on the practice tests) and gotten her permit! I guess I better enjoy 16 because 17 is going to definitely turn my hair gray!!! Its going to make me sleepless (although they can only drive until 12am). Let me enjoy my last year of her needing me to driver her EVERYWHERE....oh wait her friends are starting to get their licenses starting this summer.....oh no the worrying is going to start brunette hello granny....
Ok well I am DEFINITELY going to dye when the time comes......but wish me luck with the worrying it is NOT going to be easy....
On a side note here is a little something I put together for her for her big SWEET 16 day. Well not big she didn't want any big party she just had 2 of her friends come out to dinner with us and then we had ice cream cake and sang and her dad surprised her with white roses.
Sorry some of the fonts are a little difficult to read I was trying to be "fancy". I really was trying to find the generator that you put in the wording and it generated a Subway Art Poster. Does anyone know where that is?????'s to a good year for my girlie! And of course you all of you....
Ok well I am DEFINITELY going to dye when the time comes......but wish me luck with the worrying it is NOT going to be easy....
On a side note here is a little something I put together for her for her big SWEET 16 day. Well not big she didn't want any big party she just had 2 of her friends come out to dinner with us and then we had ice cream cake and sang and her dad surprised her with white roses.
Sorry some of the fonts are a little difficult to read I was trying to be "fancy". I really was trying to find the generator that you put in the wording and it generated a Subway Art Poster. Does anyone know where that is?????'s to a good year for my girlie! And of course you all of you....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Good Morning....
Hello Out there in blog land...I do believe it is ACTUALLY spring. It has been sunny for more then 2 days in a row AND the pollen is covering my vehicle. I have some pics to share with you guys of THINGS I have been doing...don't get excited I haven't done THAT much because of the MOOD I have been in that I mentioned in my previous post . But first can I just vent for a minute? Let me start out by saying I am 45 almost 46 years old. Normally over the years I have taken my car through the car wash rather then hand wash it at home because well because it's easier and I am not exactly outdoorsy. However, I am currently driving my father's SUV because well my SUV is at death's door after just about 279,000 miles she has had a good run and deserves to be put to rest ( or at least sold or traded in for an update)! ANYWAY back to my rant I feel like I have to keep this truck cleaner then I normally would because I would never want my dad to think I wasn't taking care of it the way he would....SO I have taken it through the car wash a few times (on the few sunny days we had last month!) and seriously it didn't REALLY get looked almost as dirty after my $15.00 as it did before! I mean if I had paid $4.00 maybe I wouldn't feel quite as bad but I mean COME ON!!! SO now on to my REAL rant...yesterday it was beautiful out ...I mean sunny & I figured when I got home from work I would wash the truck....I called my husband and asked him if there was a bucket buried in the garage anywhere I could use?...OKAY here come the 50 questions...Husband: What do you need a bucket for? ME: I am going to wash the truck. Husband: What do you mean? What are you going to use to wash it? Me: Dish soap. Husband: You CAN"T use dish soap! Me: Why not that's what we used when I was younger? Husband: You can't use dish soap look in the garage for car wash I think there is some in there. Me: Ok we have a bucket? Husband: Listen there is a little beige bucket in the garage with some rags in it. ME: Ok Husband: Ok now when you take the stuff out of the bucket put some car wash in it and you have to start by rinsing the car off first and then you use the brush to start scrubbing...blah blah blah blah....ME: Are you seriously telling me how to wash the truck???? Husband: Yes. Me: Goodbye. "Click" I mean SERIOUSLY I KNOW how to wash a car!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! THEN he calls back... Husband: when you.. Me: (interrupting) I'm not washing the car forget it. Husband: Oh Ok I'll just do it when I get home. (no he didn't but he claims he will do it today). People sometimes wonder why I don't do anything to my is because I live with the OUTDOOR police.... It's just easier inside ALTHOUGH he often thinks he should tell me how to do things in there too...see I'm not REALLY lazy I just can't deal with being corrected......Whew! There I'm done ranting. :o)
This is the owl purse I made for my niece Madison. I have another I'm making in all pink for my niece Rebecca. Aren't they cute? I got the pattern on etsy from Angels Chest it was SO easy to follow!
This is the blanket i am working on for my daughter. I am hoping to get it done by her birthday that is 3 weeks from tomorrow. We will see if I get motivated! The colors are a bright yellow and teal SO cute!
These are Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies they were DELICIOUS. I found the recipe at A Few Short Cuts. A great blog with all kinds of recipes and coupons and deals!
This is the poster I made for little Olivia. I was going to make her a card but it just didn't seem like enough SO I whipped together this a couple hours before we left for the party! The purple and green flowers and the orange butterfly on the side are crocheted by me with hair clips attached that she can wear that way or slip off the clip and put them on a headband. She LOVED it!!!
This is my niece Melissa(left) and my daughter Francesca(right) I just put them here because they are just so darn cute! :o)
Well that's all for to do laundry (I don't get reviewed on my laundry Hopefully I'll be posting again soon!!! Have a Great Day!!!
This is the owl purse I made for my niece Madison. I have another I'm making in all pink for my niece Rebecca. Aren't they cute? I got the pattern on etsy from Angels Chest it was SO easy to follow!
This is the blanket i am working on for my daughter. I am hoping to get it done by her birthday that is 3 weeks from tomorrow. We will see if I get motivated! The colors are a bright yellow and teal SO cute!
These are Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies they were DELICIOUS. I found the recipe at A Few Short Cuts. A great blog with all kinds of recipes and coupons and deals!
This is the poster I made for little Olivia. I was going to make her a card but it just didn't seem like enough SO I whipped together this a couple hours before we left for the party! The purple and green flowers and the orange butterfly on the side are crocheted by me with hair clips attached that she can wear that way or slip off the clip and put them on a headband. She LOVED it!!!
This is my niece Melissa(left) and my daughter Francesca(right) I just put them here because they are just so darn cute! :o)
Well that's all for to do laundry (I don't get reviewed on my laundry Hopefully I'll be posting again soon!!! Have a Great Day!!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
I know I haven't been here in a LONG time but I guess I just didn't have anything to say. I've been in a mood. I just wanted to wish anyone who pops on by here a Happy Mother's Day. Hope your day is wonderful. <3 I will spend the day with my daughter. Which actually is like every Sunday because quite a while ago I declared Sunday as FAMILY DAY, no going out with friends, just hanging out at home or where ever we might go. Today she claims she is going to bake me a cake. We'll see if the actually occurs. I will probably have to help a little. But that's OK. AND I did buy the flavor mix SHE likes. It's a MOM thing.
My mom passed away in December of 2007. She was 61. My mom had me when she was 18 almost 19 so I thought we'd grow old together. That didn't happen. She left me. :o/ I miss my mom. Not just today EVERY day. I miss my mom. There I said it. I really miss her. It's been 40 months. If other people hear that they probably think ...ok move on now. And some days, SOME days, I am fine. At least to the non-observer the people who don't REALLY know me. But then the OTHER days I'm not ok, I'm not fine and seriously I just can't ... move on. I talked to my mom a LOT, I mean a LOT lot. Almost EVERY day 2 or 3 TIMES a day! And now...NOW...I will never talk to her again. Not here not on Earth...hopefully in Heaven one day. If I get there. She is missing SO much. SO much she would have TRULY enjoyed. My life would have been DIFFERENT if she was still here. And well it can NEVER be like it used to be again. I have so much I really WANT to tell her. I want to talk to her about FRANCESCA. She would be so PROUD of her. I want to COMPLAIN to her about...well the THINGS we used to complain about to each other. I want to TALK to her about current events! I want to just have her SAY "hey" the way SHE used to. I want her to tell me "I've got nothin" the way SHE would in a message. I want a HUG, I want a KISS, I want to TOUCH her hand... I LOVE her. I MISS her. My MOM. We fought and ARGUED but, BUT my mom LOVED me more than and more differently than ANYONE. And I LOVED and LOVE her. And that's it she IS gone HAS been GONE for a LONG time now. FOREVER gone. And even though I KNOW that life is not FAIR, that people DIE ,old people, YOUNG people, bad people, GOOD people,sick people, HEALTHY people, just everyday people DIE. I just WANT my mom back. There I said it I want to turn back TIME. I want a MAGIC ball. I want special POWERS. I want it all to be a NIGHTMARE. I don't want to be FINE…I just want my mom. :o/
My mom passed away in December of 2007. She was 61. My mom had me when she was 18 almost 19 so I thought we'd grow old together. That didn't happen. She left me. :o/ I miss my mom. Not just today EVERY day. I miss my mom. There I said it. I really miss her. It's been 40 months. If other people hear that they probably think ...ok move on now. And some days, SOME days, I am fine. At least to the non-observer the people who don't REALLY know me. But then the OTHER days I'm not ok, I'm not fine and seriously I just can't ... move on. I talked to my mom a LOT, I mean a LOT lot. Almost EVERY day 2 or 3 TIMES a day! And now...NOW...I will never talk to her again. Not here not on Earth...hopefully in Heaven one day. If I get there. She is missing SO much. SO much she would have TRULY enjoyed. My life would have been DIFFERENT if she was still here. And well it can NEVER be like it used to be again. I have so much I really WANT to tell her. I want to talk to her about FRANCESCA. She would be so PROUD of her. I want to COMPLAIN to her about...well the THINGS we used to complain about to each other. I want to TALK to her about current events! I want to just have her SAY "hey" the way SHE used to. I want her to tell me "I've got nothin" the way SHE would in a message. I want a HUG, I want a KISS, I want to TOUCH her hand... I LOVE her. I MISS her. My MOM. We fought and ARGUED but, BUT my mom LOVED me more than and more differently than ANYONE. And I LOVED and LOVE her. And that's it she IS gone HAS been GONE for a LONG time now. FOREVER gone. And even though I KNOW that life is not FAIR, that people DIE ,old people, YOUNG people, bad people, GOOD people,sick people, HEALTHY people, just everyday people DIE. I just WANT my mom back. There I said it I want to turn back TIME. I want a MAGIC ball. I want special POWERS. I want it all to be a NIGHTMARE. I don't want to be FINE…I just want my mom. :o/
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hi ...
I know technically it is a new week but since I haven't gone to bed yet I am going with it still being Not much to write. Haven't done all that much crafting this week or anything else for that matter! I am at war with some black ants that keep squeezing their way into one room or another! Every time I get rid of them the pop up a few days later in a different room! Seriously for what reason were they in my bathroom??? No one eats in THERE!!! Anyway other then that this week my truck broke so I am currently using my Father's luckily for me he is an AWESOME dad and has another vehicle to drive! I am not sure what I am going to do about my broken Explorer it has about 277,000 miles on it so do I fix it???? I mean she has gotten me through A LOT!!! What else did I do this week???? Cleaned out the girlies "hair box" and got rid of a TON of hair stuff she hasn't used in years. My niece & my girlfriend's daughter were both thrilled with their new found "hair candy". They are so cute! Went to Michael's today because I was bored....BIG a picture frame for my daughter we are going to attach butterflies around the entire frame and put in it a poem she has from her friend's funeral. He was only 15 and died last summer of cancer. At his viewing his aunt told my daughter and her friends every time they see a butterfly it is him watching out for them. Very sweet and I will say she has seen some butterflies in odd places. I also picked up some beads on sale I am going to make a special little girl a bracelet! And I got some yarn to fool around with in a bright yellow and a bright teal blue. Once I got it home and started playing with it I decided to make it into a blanket for my daughter! It is one great big granny square alternating colors. It WAS going to be a surprise then she saw it on my bed. Of course it probably still will be a surprise if I ACTUALLY finish Ok well that is my quick post for this week! I'll take a pic of the blanket during the week and post's coming out very cute! TTFN!!! :o)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Just in the knick of time....
Almost didn't do my ONE post this week. And NO it's not because I've been I haven't really been doing too much. I had a sick car this week! Well not all week but Thursday it started acting "funny" and so yesterday I couldn't go to my niece's "Sneak Peek Week" at her dancing school... :o( She even helped me put it in the calendar on my phone! Then I had to tell her I couldn't go....she told me ..."well maybe next time."...she is SO cute! My husband put something in my transmission yesterday so it is "working" a little better today. I have my fingers crossed! I said a little prayer for her (my car) but I kinda felt guilty asking for help when I knew all those people are suffering over in Japan! That is such a tragedy it brought tears to my eyes watching the coverage yesterday.
Okay well I know that was short but if I have more time later I'll post more! I gotta go do more laundry!!! yuck...
Okay well I know that was short but if I have more time later I'll post more! I gotta go do more laundry!!! yuck...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Well I'll just have you know....
No really I'll just have you know I ALMOST posted twice in February. REALLY!!! I have the draft saved in my posts but I never got back to it. I don't know why i am lacking motivation!!! It is really starting to drive me crazy. I mean I was ALWAYS the person who was ready to get up and out to go do SOMETHING to go do NOTHING. Not now though I am dragging my I just put it off until I just sit home. Who am I? I can't even answer that question myself right now. I really really really need to be the DOER again! What is it going to take???? Anyone? Anyone? (whenever I right or even think that I always hear Ben Stein from Ferris Bueller's Day Off saying....Bueller Bueller) Nothing huh? No suggestions??? Maybe i need to take a class? Or go back to the gym? (by the way my daughter has been begging to go to the gym a big change from that summer she got a summer membership and went how many times???? ONCE) I need another JOB!!! I mean I love working for my Dad right now. I get paid a salary and the hours are really SHORT you can't beat that right? But this economy is killing us my husband is just not getting any work!!! And in addition to the financial burden that puts on us....seriously if I have to spend one more day in this house with just the two of us for HOURS ..... well let's just say i shouldn't be held accountable for what I might I mean don't get me wrong he is pretty good....he does all the outside work at the house AND washes the dishes!!! And he will definitely go and pick up the girlie and her friends if I ask....or sometimes even if I don't ask....The thing about him is...well he is GRUMPY and CRANKY and well he'd kill me if he knew I said this he is also VERY nosey!!!! Now don't get me wrong...sometimes he is fine but other times he is....Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched...LOL So now you understand why I need to DO more....I need an I don't try to (ok just kidding about the running away part because I mean really....where would I go?) I try to use crafting as an escape....And yes it does work a little....but my house is messy and so I don't have enough room to do the crafting the way I want...and the blog and everyone's blogs are a little escape but I can't do enough with my blog and I have no... oops I mean only ONE follower....and well that is one of my BFFs(hahaha) from high school SO....WOW this is random.....I just popped on to do a quick..."What I've been up to" and here I sit rambling and whining!!! ....Hmmm....I should copy and paste the other post from Feb that i never posted (because it wasn't finished) because that kinda says what I've been doing....Ok so here it is....Hi guys! I know you are shocked that it's still February and I am blogging AGAIN! Did you look at your calendar and think "omg! is it March already???" No no's ok it IS actually February I just decided to pop in and write again. So now what have I been up to...hmmmm... Well now I know I mentioned that I was going to try NOT to wait until the last minute to do my Valentine's Day cards....yeah that didn't work. So on Sunday night I sat on my bed making Valentine's cards for my niece and nephew and my daughter. They did come out pretty cute though! My daughter made one for her boyfriend....NO she did not make her mother'd think she could have done SOMETHING for her mother (yes I am planning on sending her the link to this I mean geezzzz write on a scrap piece of paper or ANYTHING....but nope I got nada. Now I don't really mind too much :o) My husband surprised me last weekend and put in Hardwood Floors in my Dining Room! Keep in mind we have had the wood for about two years just sitting in boxes in that room waiting...waiting....waiting....and out of no where Friday he starts cleaning out the room and then Saturday he prepped the floor....(At this point I still wouldn't say it was happening outloud because i didn't want to jinx it...hahaha)...and then LOW AND BEHOLD Sunday he made a trip to the Home Depot at 1030ish and by 11am he starts nail gunning away and putting in my floor!!! WooHoo!!!!! Now how do I get him to paint? lol I know better then to push him or it will never get done. I think my plan will be to go buy the paint and ya know maybe just "start" to "help" out....I am still in the planning stages though don't want it to back fire on Well There ya go!!!! I was actually (at the time) waiting until I uploaded my photos to post it....and you see where THAT got me...yep yep second post in February!!! i think I may challenge myself to post at LEAST once a week ....twice would be better even if it's just a quick "Hello Blog World"....hmmmmm....I'll think that over....ok well off to pick up the spoiled girlie from school!!! Ciao~
Friday, February 4, 2011
Ah Sweet February.
I love Valentine's Day. Not because of the Hubby but because I just love my daughter! Ever since she was little i would ask her weeks before if she would Be My Valentine because I always wanted to be the first! She is now almost 16 and I asked her last week (she has a boyfriend now *cringe*) she said I didn't start making the Valentine's cards I plan on making but maybe this weekend. I do have a picture of my daughter's scarf! (Well I did promise pictures... ;oP) Next-scarf for my niece and I don't know I am looking for SOMETHING to occupy my mind.... :o/
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The Girlie in her New Scarf. |
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Close-Up of Galaxy Stitch Ok this is my first Linky Party....I have no idea how to do the button! I am sucha NOOB! So here is a link... Weekend Wrap-Up @ Tatertots & Jello |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
And she gets one in before January is done! WooHoo!!! ;oP
Well here it is and January is almost over,which is GOOD because I HATE winter but BAD because I haven't blogged since NOVEMBER. I am SO not good at this whole blogging thing! I am GREAT at reading them Even If I let a day or two go by I will go through my ENTIRE list until I hit one I remember! I know I should be doing something more productive with my time so I could SHARE something with you here! Well I have been doing a few things...let's see I made two scrap layouts, I've made a few scarves (I only have a picture of one right now... :o/ ), and....hmmmm....ok so maybe that's it but it was the holiday's and and and....yeah I have NO excuse except non-motivation. So what am I working on now? I am almost done making a scarf for my daughter with a Galaxy Stitch I got the pattern free here , they have some GREAT patterns free if you just sign up for their newsletter, I am going to change it up some I am planning on making a border using a picot stitch I picked up watching a youtube video here, she does some wonderful tutorials! I would be done with this scarf already if my daughter didn't decide every time she tries it on that she'd like it a little longer! Good thing I LOVE OK so what else....I have a few pictures that I am working on layouts for one of my daughter and niece when they were toddlers, it is a favorite picture of mine so I am really taking my time with the layout, which means what? taking a few months instead of just one?...LOL probably!!! I will be making Valentine's Day cards for a couple of my favorite children hopefully this week and not the DAY before!!! After I finish my daughters scarf I am starting one for my niece her's shouldn't take TOO long because she is just a little peanut so that is a tiny scarf! She would like it to be and I quote "Light Pink, Dark Purple with a little White". She is VERY bossy for a 5 year I am getting off easy because when I asked her if she'd like me to make her a scarf she asked me if i could make her a jacket...LOL. When I told her I am not sure I am capable of making her a jacket(especially since I don't own a sewing she said..."Ok well then you can make me a scarf". She is SUCH a cutie!!! Of course if I make her a scarf I then have to think of something to make for her twin brother because I can't give something to one and not the other!!! He is just as much of a CUTIE and not as I also told my daughter's friend I would make her a scarf so I will be working on that too! Hmmmm....I better get moving before it's spring and I am still working on scarves...LOL. Well I am going to TRY to be more diligent with this blog I SWEAR who knows maybe I could even get a few followers if I figure out what I'm doing....LOL Well I will be back SOON (no really) and even post pictures!! I know, I know PROMISES PROMISES .... but this time I am serious... ;o) <3
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